Dave, just finishing Ayrshire, says- Does this Joe guy know that we have 97 more miles to go? He must be fooled by how nice Ayrshire was this year:
After we saw Dave off down the road, we checked out the end of Ayrshire. We brought our skis with us and I was undecided (per the norm) about what we were going to do. Of the two choices, running or skiing, I have been walking, actually, this winter. With my trusty sled Jiggs II and my poles, I've covered all the trails around Willow, walking. I like walking. Well, the trail looked a lot firmer than we thought so I signed an "F" next to my name.
With my typical multiple clothes change-out, we headed up to the start. Lo and behold, a guy with a skirt who wanted to take our picture. See, he talked the skirt lady in Anchorage into giving him a free skirt, for male-marketing purposes. He was very quick to add "oh, but I'm not running in mine". Personally, I think the skirt suits you, Andy. Oh, and DeeDee- we love our skirts!
And, then we were off. I couldn't believe how good Ayrshire was this year. Gorgeous day. Trotted along-side Jay Liggett for a while. Looking forward to seeing him at Hatcher Pass Marathon this year.
"Ooooverflow" she says. I was happy about my waterproof shoes:
I think this is what they call the Tunnel of Love. I call it the Tunnel Where My Camelbag Drenched Me Last Year. No such problems this go-round . But speaking of Problems. Vonnie and I were very efficient with problem solving. All sorts of things. Boys. Jobs. World Peace. All solved. Except the Boys.
Then there was a whole bunch of walking, solved World Hunger issues and the like, yada, yada, and we're finished. Now let me again say that Vonnie is awesome- she came up for the weekend to visit and ran the whole race with me. Who does that?
We picked up Mekong take-out (Mmm, garlic chicken) and went to bed. I was really nervous about missing Dave's finish, so I kept setting my alarm to check the updates. Around 6am, I panicked a bit, stopped Vonnie mid-toast and said "we gotta go". I had been adding up his times and was worried he'd be in already, sleeping in his wet clothes in the cabin. So we sped to Pt Mac, again in the dark, almost hit a moose south of Willow (thanks, Vonnie) and then I ran into the cabin. Mary, calming as ever, said Oh, you're just in time. You even have time for breakfast. Biscuits and gravy later, we drove down Ayrshire, and there he was! Still Smiling!
After a kiss and a hug, he said "I just wanna go home". I know how he felt.
I was so proud of him at this moment. I know what training's been like this winter. There's been a lot of cold, sadness and snow in Willow and to see him push through it, with no food for 50 miles...
Davey, running his Dad into the finish-
Don't let the smile fool ya. This is how you really feel:
Dave, finished his 4th Susitna 100, winning his third in 24:11.
Six more for the 1049 award?
Time to start saving for a bike, babe.
You're so right on, including world hunger and all that. Thanks for showing me a good time on the trail, and another great weekend in the life of the Willow runner gals.
Andrea, i teared up when i saw you with 3 miles to go. Thanks for being there and for helping me in and out of the car afterwards. I love you so much and am so proud of you!
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