It's obvious they have finally completed their transformation to the dark side. What kind of person are you on the dark side? Well, here are some examples:
1. the smell of your running clothes does not bother you anymore
2. a marathon sounds like a fun run
3. you possess more combinations of running clothing layers than you know what to do with
4. you have more than one camelback
5. you can hold your own during a gel comparison conversation
6. you don't use kleenexs
7. seat saver is on your weekly grocery list
8. you don't gain weight from a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Every night.
So it's been an interesting few weeks of running. me hacking up a lung for a few weeks, Dave unable to turn his neck, -20 degreee weather up to 35. We started a night run and it was wet heavy snow and a total slogfest:
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